madman101 Oct 14, 2023 11:46
my day journeys / day treks, environ - weather and climate, my cars, prehistoric - megafauna, animals - megafauna
madman101 Sep 27, 2021 11:05
oceans - atlantic ocean, evolution - dogs, islands - canary islands, environ - climate change/ global warming, brain - dogs, animals - foxes, prehistoric - megafauna, prehistoric - mammoths / mastadons, animals - dogs' brains, all * climate change, geological - volcanoes, evolution - human - and see prehistoric, animals - mammoths / mastadons, animals - dogs' evolution, animals - megafauna
madman101 Nov 07, 2018 11:12
prehistoric - 50000 bce, books - 'end of the megafauna', prehistoric - megafauna, prehistoric - mammoths / mastadons, animals - mammoths / mastadons, animals - megafauna, extinction events / mass extinctions